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Testimony after an evening of prayer with Gerrit and Truus Mulder

I was blessed to have Gerrit pray and speak God’s word to me last night. He spoke so many things to me that were awesome, humbling and overwhelming. There was one thing he said to me out of a few things that were of the Lord, and it was at the very end that was most touching to me.

First I’ll give you a little background… I’ve always been a thankful person. Since I was a child I’ve always thanked God for everything. I’ve always had a knowing that things could always be worse and I’ve thanked God in all circumstances because they could have been worse. When I became a Christian, my level of thanking God went through the roof. I thanked Him so much more than even before.

So, at the end of Gerrit speaking to me, he said this thing to me two or three times and as I heard it, I knew what he was saying but it didn’t really hit me until about a minute after I got up. What he said was, “you’re welcome, you’re welcome.”

I can’t tell you how amazing it is to me that, the Maker of the universe, the Creator of all things, took a moment in time and said to me in validation or acknowledgment, but He said to me, “you’re welcome, you’re welcome.” Out of all the amazing things that were said to me that I know were of God through Gerrit, those four simple words will live on in my spirit always.

God wants that for all of us. He wants to have a relationship with us all. He is the Holy Trinity which means He is relational in and of Himself. How much more does He want to have a personal relationship with each and every one of us that He created. Accept Him in your heart. If you have accepted Him and you’re not hearing from Him, pray for ears to hear, pray however the Lord would lead you. Then receive it, take it. He wants you to take it. He wants a personal relationship with you.

What I witnessed last night during the service was like a Glory to Glory moment for everyone that was prayed over. It felt to me that I was witnessing the “to Glory” part. It was really awesome to see and experience.

Thank you Gerrit and Truus for hearing His call on your lives and being obedient to the Lord fulfilling that call.

Genezen van depressie

Door bevrijdingsgebed ben ik nu vrij van een 10 jaar durende depressiviteit. God genas mij helemaal van mijn heimwee, verdriet, beschadigde zelfvertrouwen en angsten. Ik ben een totaal ander mens geworden.

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Een gezonde zoon

In maart 2009 bezochten mijn vrouw en ik toevallig de Evangelische Gemeente in Nunspeet, omdat we een weekend op een camping in de buurt stonden. We ontvingen daar uit het niets een profetie dat we een gezonde zoon zouden krijgen.

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Vrij van minderwaardigheid

Mijn zelfbeeld is totaal veranderd. Ik durf weer naar mezelf te kijken met daglicht, ik vind mezelf mooi en kan van mezelf houden. Ik snap nu dat God van mij houdt, zo voelt het nu ook van binnen.

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God greep in

Toen ik op mijn 12e naar de middelbare school ging, werd ik erg onzeker omdat ik daar niemand kende. Ik vond het erg belangrijk hoe mensen over mij denken, waardoor ik ging ik ‘meelopen’ met anderen. Ik begon met uitgaan, drinken en blowde een paar keer. Ik werd depressief en zag het leven niet meer zitten. Kortom het ging slecht met mij, totdat God in mijn leven ingreep.

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